How to build a website designed to impress
Your website is the portal to your success and must be built to impress visitors from the moment they arrive. Here are some basic tips to get your website up to snuff.

Sleek, Modern Responsive Designs
Many real estate agents had their website built years ago and figured that was enough to get them noticed online. However, if your website has not been updated in as little as five years, chances are it looks old and forlorn. Making sure that your website has a sleek and modern design is as important as making sure your listings are well-staged. You want people to get an immediate impression that you are up to date on the latest technology and that starts with a well-designed website that is real estate specific.
A responsive website makes it easy for visitors to view your website from any device. If you do not have a responsive website that is mobile friendly, chances are people are going to get frustrated and move on to somewhere, or someone else. Responsive websites for real estate agents make it easy to navigate from an easily accessed menu and view information easily with the swipe of a thumb!
Up to Date Information
Like your real estate agent website design, the information on your website must be kept up to date. You want your listing information to be pristine, with recently solds always clearly marked to avoid issues You want to make sure that you can also show your clients that their listing is posted ASAP and use links, etc. that will provide long life and usefulness people can use.
Helpful "Evergreen" Content
If you are ready to scream every time you hear the term "content", chances are its because you don't have the time, inclination or know how to use it. Content has become the number one selling tool for all industries with people searching for free knowledge and advice online every second of every day. By providing "evergreen" content on your site either through a blog, or just the information you offer, you will have the basics for everything home buyers and sellers need to know. This will help them not only find free advice, but also find you.

Evergreen content remains relevant without the constant need to update it. Even the simple act of providing links to the most important information buyers and sellers need can prove helpful and, with the right blurb of copy explaining the links, can add to your SEO. It is important to keep in mind you can't be all things to all people. By using select links to trusted sites that provide the exact information visitors might need is not only helpful, but can also build trust for both you and your site.
Professional Photography
With beautifully shot images and impressive virtual tours you will be able to show off your listings in the best possible light. This is an absolute must if you want to remain on the leading edge of real estate marketing. Photos are not enough to today's buyer. They also want to experience as realistic a view of the home as possible. That means finding a way to offer digital viewings such as 3D and walk thrus that make it easy to see a home and encourage buyers to set up a viewing in person.

There are some far more affordable options to 3D that allow photographers to use traditional pano images to create a very user friendly walk thru experience. You can easily arrange for such digital viewings with these easily accessible services through Realtour.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO helps people find you by including words on your website that are commonly used to search the services you provide. You want to work with a company that can add SEO to your website properly and in the right balance so that your site is "Google" and search engine friendly, without getting carried away and ruining the integrity of the information you provide.
Always keep in mind that SEO does take time, and therefore you cannot expect immediate results. Although, your listing addresses do help to get people to your site you need additional real estate content to build a reputation as well as improve your position in the rankings. After all, you are looking for buyers for your current listings, and in turn sellers who find you to help build your client base.
Contact Forms
Of course you want to have a prominently displayed content form to help collect names and email addresses for potential clients. You can even choose to collect names for your newsletter and work with a company that offers personalized newsletters to suit the needs of potential clients. This way you are not only collecting leads, but also providing a free service to them to build trust and assist them in their home buying/selling pursuit.
Having a tool that allows past clients to post a review on your site, is another free marketing tool that helps you build a reputation on line. A tool that allows you to preview the reviews prior to posting is a must to avoid fake posts, or worse, negative posts from disgruntled clients!
Real Estate Landing Page
If you feel you cannot afford a website, it is a good idea to at least invest in a budget friendly site such as a real estate landing page. This type of "mini" website allows you to provide your contact information, featured listings as well as all of your listings so people can at least find you online. Today's real estate agents have to have some form of online presence and this is more effective and professional than just having a Facebook page as your only online link!

As a real estate agent, having a website that is built to impress can make a huge difference in how you are viewed professionally. For more information about affordable websites built by Realtour please contact