How to have the Best Selling Season Ever
You know that once you flip that calendar to March, selling season is going to arrive quicker than you can pull out those open house signs from your garage. Right now is the time to get your ducks in a row and make sure you are doing everything you can to make this the best selling season ever.

Plan of Attack
When was the last time you took a look at your client list? Now is the time to go through your list and refresh your memory about the status of your clients. Sort them into clients who might be in need of a larger home or those who might have other potential opportunities such as retirement, empty nesters, etc. You can then consider who would be the best prospects to provide with a nice little note, newsletter, postcard or email to bring them up to date on what is happening in their neighborhood. And don`t write off those recent buyers or sellers, as they are the ones who can provide referrals. Touch base with them as well on a regular basis with a nice little newsletter with fun tips and info about home ownership.
Remember your Social Media?
It is easy to stop making posts on your social media pages when business is slow. Make sure you start posting again and use little tips about selling, why now is the time to get ready to sell, links to interesting articles about your area and of course any houses you have listed so far. People also love to hear their home is worth more now than when they bought it, so keep some “recently sold” posts going as well to get people thinking about the value of their home! You can also use your newsletter web links to post on your site with fun little articles about gardening for curb appeal, Easter, home ownership and tips about selling.
Remind People about Financing
It is not just enough to get yourself organized. For those clients you really think are primed to buy or sell now, remind them about the importance of financing. You want them to know it is easy to miss an opportunity if they have not yet looked into getting a pre-arranged mortgage. Offer them some information about mortgages to help them get ready and remind them now is the time that houses will start hitting the market.
Listing Presentation
When you get a call to visit a new client make sure you are ready. Have your listing presentation in order with updated head shots, proper logos if you have changed brokers and anything else you want to include. You will then be ready to add your client’s personal information for the presentation to make it all come together nicely. If you are still using a printed listing presentation, look for a digital version. You can still leave behind a printed copy as well.
Line up a Photographer
If you have been taking your own photos it is time to line up a professional real estate photographer. It might seem you are saving money with your own shots, but the truth of the matter is, you need professional photos to help sell houses. You can also save money because you can find a photographer who offers virtual tours and print materials included in the price. You are not only killing two birds with one stone, but also killing it marketing wise with much better results.
Marketing Strategy
Make sure you have your marketing strategy in place. What have you been using for all of your marketing collateral? If you have been jumping from service to service look for a real estate marketing suite that allows you to handle all of your marketing needs at once. This costs less and also wastes less time allowing you to concentrate on service for your clients. A marketing product should be integrated so it is easier to take care of your main marketing pieces at once including:
Virtual tours
Print materials
When you have everything organized and the tool and strategies you need lined up, it is easy to have the best selling season ever. Realtour offers the tools you need to touch base with clients with newsletters, reach out to buyers’ agents with eflyers, reach buyers online with virtual tours, prepare the print materials you need for open houses and post cards for recently sold announcements.