Happy Halloween and Other Favorite Holidays
As a real estate agent nothing gives you a better excuse to keep in touch with your clients than the holidays. Whether it is Halloween, the arrival of summer or the two month period from Thanksgiving through to New Years, the holidays are the perfect opportunity to reach out to clients.

Say Hello
You can say hello with a simple message in an email, drop postcards into mail boxes or better yet send out a newsletter (print or digital) with holiday tips, decor ideas and recipes. The more you share the important seasons with your clients, the more you will remain top of mind.
Share Information
Whether you know about some wonderful local holiday event, have a great family recipe you want to share, or even have pictures of the kids and dog dressed up for Halloween, sharing information that is just slightly personal brings you closer to your clients and shows them you are a homey person with a family and life just like their's. It is the perfect way to offer advice, friendly, folksy ideas and information home owners appreciate.
Take Advantage of the Calendar
Use your calendar to your advantage by marking out all of the holidays and seasonal milestones that are ideal for sharing information and contacting clients. You can then plan out what messages you would like to send. Again, how involved you want to get is up to you. The important thing is you take the opportunity to reach out with a plan that will keep you on track with monthly little messages that keep you in touch with clients without appearing overly aggressive.
Newsletters Work
Newsletters are the perfect way to keep in touch throughout the year. You can send them based on your calendar plan with seasonal tips for home maintenance, holiday fun and even special times such as back to school and flu season. Get creative, or use an affordable subscription that provides you with an easy way to send out messages and newsletters that are pre-written with colorful photos to make a good impression. As well newsletters will offer valuable information people will actually appreciate. Many agents report that their clients actually look forward to receiving their newsletters and miss them if they are not sent out.
Realtour offers dozens of seasonal and holiday newsletters and eflyer templates ready to send to clients whenever you need them.