Five New Years’ Resolutions for Real Estate Agents

This year why not jot down a few New Years’ resolutions that will help you become more prosperous? Here are five perfect New Years’ resolutions to help increase your sales for 2016:
Use Professional Photography: If you are still standing in front of your properties holding a
cell phone to take your images, then make a promise to start using a professional photographer in 2016. Nothing can make a property look shabbier, smaller and less impressive than cell phone photos. You want to have full sized images using HDR to sell properties. Remember a picture is worth 1,000 words. Don’t use the tool you depend on for texts, reading emails and speaking to clients to take pictures. Save that for your selfies. Instead book a pro and let your virtual tours and eflyers do the rest of the work for you. And remember, potential clients might decide to check out your current listings before they decide to hire you. The better quality your marketing materials, the more professional you will appear. Professionalism = more clients.
Use Quality Virtual Tours: More than 83 percent of home buyers start looking for homes online. That means often before they even speak to a real estate agent, they already have a list of homes they want to see. You can’t have a basic virtual tour, or worse no tour at all, if you want to sell houses in 2016. Make it a point to go all out on your virtual tours using pro photography, music and captions to wow clients and woo buyers.
Full Exposure: Make sure you take advantage of all of the tools at your disposal and make a resolution you will post your virtual tours on the best real estate sites. This will allow more buyers and their agents to find your listing for more views and faster sales. Popular sites include Trulia, Zillow, YouTube, Vast and of course
Get the Word out with Eflyers: If you have been depending on virtual tours to help sell houses, but nothing beyond that, than you are still not going to sell homes as quickly as you would like. Make sure that your virtual tours get noticed by sending out an eflyer with a link to the tour. This resolution will help get your listing in front of more buyers’ agents. Using a targeted system to reach agents in the right area is also important. Send out your open house announcements with branded flyers complete with stunning photos of your properties to bring more agents to your viewings.
Keep in Touch with Newsletters: Many real estate agents make the mistake of thinking of past clients as just that: from the past. However those past clients can be the key to future leads and even future sales should they decide to sell. Make sure you remain top of mind by making a resolution to send out a monthly, quarterly or seasonal newsletter that allows you to keep in touch. Sharing interesting articles, tips, recipes and fun information is the perfect way to remain top of mind and could even result in some referrals for you. In fact, finding a newsletter service that offers specialty newsletters designed to offer information about the selling or buying process, preparing for open houses, mortgages, etc. will allow you to send personal emails to single clients with the focused information they need.
Make 2016 the year your resolutions are prosperity focused by improving your marketing and presenting a more professional image. offers an integrated marketing suite designed to make life easy and assist you in selling homes more quickly. It is virtually effortless real estate marketing.