Why Now is the Best Time to reassess your Brand
You are knee deep in the digital age where the old school approach to marketing could be keeping you from reaching new clients.
How to Easily save Time & Money with One-stop Marketing
One-stop marketing takes less steps, less time and costs less money while providing your clients with quality marketing that sells propertie
3 Reasons you need SEO in your Virtual Tour Description
When you write your listing description, pay careful attention to opportunities to add keywords.
Are Seniors Really as Tech Challenged as you think?
Of those who do use the internet, 71% say they go online pretty much every day, 82% say the internet is their favorite source for learning m
How to leverage the Most Important Stats from 2016
Interestingly, the people who contacted an agent first is up from last year's 14%.
5 Easy Steps that will Quickly improve your Brand
Consistency is the most important lesson of branding 101. If you are churning out real estate marketing materials with a different look ever
How to Actually help Clients when Recession is Looming
Keeping on top of the latest numbers and understanding how and if the market is changing is very important when people fear a recession is l
5 Easy Marketing Improvements that will get More Listings
Consistent branding and marketing are hallmarks of professionalism. Here are five marketing improvements that will help you get more listing
How to Brand Your Virtual Tours for YouTube
You can use our captions tool to have your contact information appear throughout the duration of your virtual tour on YouTube.
How Real Estate Postcards help find Sellers
Real estate postcards are effective because they literally hit people where they live without the need for mailing lists.